Seal of the Australian Society of Kangaroos Australian Society for Kangaroos
Dedicated to the Victims of the World's Largest Wildlife Massacre
Collage of Kangaroos

ASK Campaigns:

China to allow Imports of Kangaroo Meat

A new trade protocol between Australia and China now opens the door for the industry to export kangaroo meat and skins to China. But the Chinese are worried about their reputation as they are well aware of the iconic status of our kangaroos. Also, worries exist about food safety issues after Russia announced a total ban on importing kangaroo meat for this reason (the good news!).

To take action, please write to:

H.E. Mr. Zhang Junsai, Chinese Ambassador to Australia

Lisa Nie, Economic and Commercial Advisor to the Ambassador

Ask them not to allow the import of kangaroo meat into China. Here are a few suggested points for your letter:

  • The import of kangaroo meat to China will put the future of our most iconic Australian animal at serious risk. The import will result in a huge increase in the number of kangaroos - a protected species already in severe decline - being killed in Australia.
  • Systemic food safety and hygiene violations in the industry recently lead to the Russian government announcing a total ban on importing kangaroo meat.
  • A recent two-year investigation revealed that carcasses were contaminated by dangerous bacteria, including E.coli, Streptococcus and Staphylococcus. This investigation clearly indicated that food safety problems are not sufficiently under control in the kangaroo industry.
  • The commercial killing of kangaroos is a cruel industry. Kangaroo babies (Joeys), are decapitated or killed with a blow to the head. If they escape, they are helpless without their mother and left to starve.

You can also read the report on Diseases in Kangaroo Meat,
by Dr. David Obendorf, BVSc (Hons), B(An)Sc, PhD (Melbourne) Chairperson, Wildlife Advisory Committee.