Join The ASK Team

Join ASK and help us save millions of kangaroos and their joeys from a  cruel and unnecessary death.

The annual membership fee is only $10 for low income earners

You can download the membership form in PDF format from here.
Or fill out the Membership Form fields below that will be directly emailed to us.

Alternatively, you can Make a Donation

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$10 concession/ $30 full
Please pay to:
Australian Society for Kangaroos
Bank Deposit
Commonwealth Bank: 
BSB 063509 Account No 10213312
or via Paypal

or post cheque to:
PO Box 524, CASTLEMAINE, VIC, 3450.

Thank you so much for your support and we look forward to working with you.

Australian Society for Kangaroos Inc.
PO Box 524 Castlemaine Vic 3450
PH: 0417354408