Kinley mob Saved!
We would like to acknowledge the residents of Lilydale in Melbourne who contacted us about the pending slaughter of their local roos, and for their ongoing vigilance in keeping them safe from the Victorian government and developers. A relocation proposal was submitted to DEWLP by an incredible team of activists however this was rejected by the developer when a government paid scientist submitted an alternative relocation proposal that involved the separation of the mob and the euthanasia of those ‘not fit for relocation’. ASK fought hard through the media to expose this cruel alternative relocation proposal and continued to provide ongoing support to the residents in their battle to save their beloved roos.
You can read just some of the media reports at the links below.
• Herald Sun, Victoria – Lilydale Kangaroos Still Stuck after Relocation move slammed. 2020
• Herald Sun Leader, Victoria – Wildlife Cull Kangaroos to be killed at former Lilydale Quarry Intrapacs Kinley Development 2020
• Herald Sun, Victoria – Stand off over kangaroos on Lilydale housing estate 2020
• Yahoo News AU – Bloody Frustrated developer says government left him no option but to shoot 40 kangaroos 29 July 2020
Unfortunately the developer proceeded with the relocation with the government scientist that we had grave concerns about.
You can read about this at the link below.
Rescued Kinley baby