cedar woods mob
After years of protection inside a small block of land behind Epping Market in Melbourne, developers moved in and this small mob of 50 kangaroos were dispersed onto the Hume Freeway and surrounding roads. This was despite a detailed submission to the developers, Whittlesea Council and Vic Roads where we offered to assist with the relocation of the mob, and warned these organisations that continuing development works at the site would result in significant public safety risks on the Hume Freeway and surrounding roads. Sadly however they failed to listen or act and at least 8 kangaroos were struck on the Hume freeway in the months after developers cleared the land and commenced development. It appears that no one will allow the relocation of kangaroos in Victoria even when the public is at significant risk of death.
Here is a news report on these doomed kangaroos:
Herald Sun Leader, Victoria – Volunteer says hume freeway motorists face risk because of displaced kangaroos 2016