Thank you California !

Ban on kangaroo products into California United States was reinstated in 2016. A huge win for this cause


In 2015, and with the support of Animals Australia, Australian Wildlife Protection Council, International Fund for Animal Welfare, and the assistance of Jennifer Fearing, lobbyist for Humane Society US, ASK submitted a compelling letter to all members of the Californian parliament urging them to seriously consider the cruelty involved in the kangaroo meat and skins industry and the threat to their conservation before they voted on a bill that had the potential to lift the ban on kangaroo products into California forever. The commercial kangaroo industry had been applying considerable pressure on the parliament and according to US media had paid an alleged $146,000 to lobbyists and parliamentarians in California to have the ban lifted, but justice prevailed and the Californian parliament refused to even consider the bill presented to the parliament in September 2015. In January 2016 the ban on kangaroo products into California was reinstated, which is a huge win for this cause as California is one of the largest import markets for kangaroo products, particularly leather products.

You can view one of the media reports about this at the links below:

• The Guardian – California set to ban kangaroo imports despite lobbying efforts by Australia – 14 September 2015