Quilpie Queensland- 1000 Roos Saved

Quilpie 1000 kangaroos saved, Quilpie council willing to shoot up to 1000 kangaroos seeking refuge from the drought in township 2016

Following suit from their neighbours in Longreach and Charlieville, Quilpie council thought it would be a good idea to shoot 1000 kangaroos seeking refuge from the drought in their township in February 2016. With the council elections looming, maybe they also thought they would win a few votes from the locals at the same time. However they were not aware of us or how many people outside of Quilpie loved kangaroos, and after considerable pressure from ASK and our amazing letter writing, phone calling team of members and supporters, the council called off the cull stating in the media that:

“We have received a number of comments in relation to the proposed reduction of kangaroo numbers in the town area. This was considered as a last resort measure to control kangaroo numbers in the town………..Now that some rain has been received, Council has been able to ‘muster’ them to the town common where there is feed now available. As a result Council is delighted to advise that the proposed program to reduce numbers will not be required at this point in time”.

Again, this shows that people power works, even if you are thousands of miles away, they do listen to you!

You can read more about this in the news reports below:

• ABC News – Kangaroo cull sparks outrage from conservationists 2 February 2016
• ABC News – Quilpie kangaroo cull cancelled after rain draws animals to greener pastures – February 2016
• Willy Weather News – Quilpie kangaroo cull cancelled after rain draws animals to greener pastures – 2017